Hire Report and Time to Fill

JobScore helps you keep track of how much time you are spending on recruiting for specific positions - including accounting for time spent *not* recruiting for the position.   Job “days open” in the Job Manager and “time to accept/time to start” in the Hire report are all based on your job status changes in JobScore.  We even ignore the time the Job spent *out* of the Open status if the job has moved in and out of Open multiple times.

For example, if you open a job on January 1, put it on hold on January 10, re-open the job on January 20, and fill the job on January 30 when the candidate accepts your offer, with a start date of Feb 15... that job had 20 “days open”, the “time to accept” was 20 days, and the “time to start” was 35 days.

But sometimes there are cases where this automatic tracking doesn’t reflect reality:
1)  Post-dated data entry - “we added the job to JobScore after we really had started recruiting for the position”
2)  False starts - “we opened the job in JobScore but didn’t start actively recruiting or posting until later"

For these cases, you can override the date tracking that happens automatically in JobScore by entering a custom “Opened On” date of your choice.   When you enter an “Opened On” date, the “date math” is simplified.  “Days Open” is the total days elapsed from your custom “Opened On” date until the date the job was closed/filled/put on-hold (or until present if the job is still open).  So, if you wanted JobScore to reflect that the job in the example above was open for only 10 days with a time to start of 25 days… enter a custom “Opened On” date of January 20.

Please contact support@jobscore.com if you need further assistance.
