JobScore is great and really helping us move fast through the day-to-day of recruiting.
One of the things we are using a lot is the Forward Candidate page. This seems to be the only really easy way to send an email to my co-workers through JobScore.
First: we'd like to have a more flexible way to email co-workers and have discussions that are captured in JobScore without necessarily sending around the candidate's email and resume every time
Second: I find myself having to go to the candidate action page after using forward candidate more often than I'd like. For instance, when I forward a candidate to a hiring manager I need to update the status. Sometimes I want to add tags to the candidate, schedule a phone screen, etc. Pretty much everything I'd want to do is already on the candidate action (do everything) page. It's also great that from this page I can click to expand to see notes, emails, tasks, etc - because I often need to cut-and-paste some of this information into my email to the mnager.
t's also great that from this page I can click to expand to see notes, emails, tasks, etc - because I often need to cut-and-paste some of this information into my email to the my team.
So, basically, I want the power of the candidate action page when forwarding candidates - is there any way you can do that?