
I'm new to jobscore and I've noticed that it's a hassle to try to navigate back to the lists of candidates or jobs once I've already completed actions within a candidates profile. Im constantly having to use the back button instead of just being able to click on "candidates" to take me back to the list or "jobs" button to get me back to the original job link I was working on.

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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Jasmine, thanks for your note.

    The "Candidates" and "Jobs" tabs are designed to remember a *list* of candidates.  So if you click into a list, or filter a list jobscore does remember that list if you click on candidates or jobs after that.  It's the main link in the primary navigation, not the options below.... if not, that's a bug!

    When you click into a candidate record from a list there is also a "back to list" link along with a previous and next link on every tab of the candidate's record... for example like this:

    I'd recommend trying using those as I think you'll get what you are looking for:


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