Please bring back the ability to forward candidates! I need to be able to look back in history and see when and to whom a candidate was forwarded.
Thank you!
Please bring back the ability to forward candidates! I need to be able to look back in history and see when and to whom a candidate was forwarded.
Thank you!
Hey Kara, you should be able to easily do this by clicking on the candidate's record and clicking on either the history tab or the notes tab and seeing who the notes were emailed to. If this is not present, it's a bug and we clearly need to fix it!
Since I have been using JobScore, the Notes page has never displayed to whom a note was emailed. Changing this would be a definite improvement!
Attaching an example:
Ok, thanks for the head's up - that's definitely a problem. We've got this in the queue to be investigated and handled as soon as possible. If you want to ask for an update refer to Story #163242866 - they'll be able to look into it.
Issue fixed, looks great!
Sweetness. Onward and upward!