Important: Only Google Workspace super administrators can complete the steps below. You are a Super admin if you can access this page and see the billing tab. If you are not a Google Workspace Super administrator, please share this article with a Google Worksplace super administrator (usually someone in your IT department) and add them to your JobScore account on the add user page here.
JobScore has a deep integration with Google Workspace. Google is constantly adding new services and we are always updating and improving our integration. While new customers will have the integration "just work," existing customers will sometimes need to grant additional permissions for the integration to keep working.
Existing customers will need to have the Google Workspace Administrator for your company log in and make the following quick change:
- Visit and login as a Google Apps administrator
- Click on Apps on the Admin Console page:
- Select "Marketplace Apps":
- Click on “JobScore” (the status should already say “On for everyone”, if it's not there, install it here)
- On the “JobScore settings” page hover over the data access area and then click to open it.
- When you open the data access area you should see a link to “Grant data access.” Please click on this link. After you click the "Grant data access" link should change to “Revoke data access”
Done! After you've completed this the JobScore ←→ Google Workspace integration will work properly.
If you follow these steps above please do a hard refresh (shift-refresh) of the page where you were having trouble in JobScore. If anything seems amiss, please contact