How to setup Single Sign-On with Okta

We want to make it easy for all of your team members to access JobScore.  If your company uses Single Sign On (SSO) with Okta, please complete the steps described on this page.  Once you provide us with the information we need, we will coordinate a cut-over date. 

Step 1: Locate and Save your Company code

Locate your Company Code by accessing this page in JobScore and jot down it down.

Step 2: Install the JobScore App in Okta

Please log into the Okta console and visit the Okta Application Network page. Locate the JobScore Application and click to add it to your Okta account.  When you do you’ll see a page that looks like this:

Under 1 - General Settings please enter the following:

  • Application Label: JobScore
  • Account Type: "Employer".
  • Company Code: Enter your JobScore Company Code from step 1.
  • Application Visibility: [no preference, whatever makes sense for your company] 

Click Next to continue

Under 2 - Assign to People:

Important: JobScore is designed to be used by every employee in your company and we recommend checking the box at the top of the first column to select every user in your account.

Click Next and then click done to confirm your team’s email addresses.

Great! You’ve successfully added JobScore to your Okta account., but you are not done yet...

Step 3: Download the medatada file

Click on the "Sign On" tab for your newly installed JobScore application.  Then click the link for “identity provider metadata” which is located here:

When you click the link an XML data file will be downloaded. 

Step 4: Email JobScore to activate Single Sign-On for your account

Please email and include:

  1. The day and time you would like to enforce Okta single sign on for JobScore (when users will no longer be able to login using their password)
  2. The metadata file downloaded from Okta.

The JobScore success team will confirm receipt of your email and the scheduled date and time of the cut-over to Okta.

If you have any other questions, please contact
