How do I use the Gusto HRIS integration?

The Gusto integration creates new records in Gusto when you hire people in JobScore. You can hire them as an employee or a contractor:



After you click the "Add to Gusto" button, you'll see a confirmation screen:


At the top of this screen is a link to the newly created record in Gusto. All you have to do is click to onboard the new hire. You can also access it in Gusto visiting the "People > Team members" page and clicking on the "Onboarding" tab. Find your new hire in the list and open the three-dots action menu to continue setup:



How to activate the Gusto integration

Only users with the admin or owner access level can activate the Gusto integration. The Gusto integration is only available on the JobScore START, SCALE and ENTERPRISE plans.  See your plan here
  1. Visit the integrations page for Gusto here.
  2. Click the green activate button and choose whether to connect an existing Gusto account or create a new Gusto account:
  3. If you already have a Gusto account, just log into Gusto, select a company, and authorize JobScore.  That's it!

If you need a new Gusto account, JobScore will send some information about you & your company to Gusto, and they'll use it to create a new account for you.  Click the link to finish setting up your Gusto account in another tab. After you finish setting up Gusto, please return to JobScore and click “Activate Integration” to connect Gusto to JobScore:
