We understand where you're coming from: when adding a job, you can select just one location and if you're open to the location of the position, you want to make sure candidates in both SF and NYC are aware of this. You can only have one location per job because it’s necessary for JobScore to support one-click job posting functionality and most job boards are constrained to one location per posting.
So, we recommend that you create two jobs. In this scenario, one job lists San Francisco as the location and a second job lists New York City. Here's how to make this happen:
- Confirm both locations exist in JobScore (in our scenario we're talking about San Francisco and New York City). Add locations if necessary.
- Add the first job for, let's say, the San Francisco location. In the job description, you may consider including verbiage that the position could also be based in New York City.
- Clone the San Francisco job making sure to change the location to New York City. And don't forget to include wording in the job description that the position could be based in San Francisco as well.
- Post both jobs to your corporate careers site and other job boards, as you see fit.