How to set up Google Analytics on your career site

If you're already using Google Analytics to track user engagement on your corporate site and you're on the JobScore Enterprise plan, you can track engagement on your JobScore powered careers site also by adding your GA tracking code to your careers site configuration page here. Once you add your tracking code, user traffic on your JobScore careers site will provide data to your own Google Analytics account.

Optional: If you want your GA sessions to track across domain ( -> you'll need to follow the instructions in the Google Analytics Documentation here regarding how to update how you link out to * urls from your corporate site.

Note: If you have a custom domain (CNAME) set up for your careers site, there's no need to add JobScore domains to your analytics account. However, ensure that your Google Analytics properly covers your custom domain to track all relevant traffic effectively.


Page tracking data reported to Google Analtyics

Your JobScore powered Careers Site supports your public job pages (the list of your open jobs and job posting details pages for each job) and 4 different application flows. Which flow an applicant follows is determined by whether an applicant is applying to a specific job or sending a resume for general consideration (your "talent network"), and whether the candidate has an existing user profile at JobScore (a one-step flow) or will create a profile (a three-step flow).Below are the page urls that JobScore reports to Google Analytics and suggested Goal Tracking configurations for the flows. The tokens {account.code} and {job.title} are url-friendly versions of your company name and job title, respectively.


Public Careers Pages




Apply Flow 1: Returning JobScore user applying to job

goal url:


funnel steps:




Apply Flow 2: New user applying to job

goal url:


funnel steps:



/apply_flow/ofccp?job_id={} (if OFCCP is enabled)


Apply Flow 3: Returning JobScore user sending resume for general consideration ("{Your Company's} Talent Network")

goal url:


funnel steps:



/apply_flow/ofccp?acc_id={} (if OFCCP is enabled)


Apply Flow 4: New user sending resume for general consideration ("{Your Company's} Talent Network")

goal url:


funnel steps:



/apply_flow/ofccp?acc_id={} (if OFCCP is enabled)
