Where can I see a list of candidates submitted by a search firm?

There are a few different ways to find this information:

The Admin > Search Firm Page

  1. Click on “Admin” in the primary navigation, configuration and select “Search Firms” from the list
  2. The list of search firms includes their total submissions in its own column, click on the number to see the detailed list of candidates
  3. For a breakdown of recruiter submitted which candidate, click on the search firm's name.  On the search firm's page, you'll see a list of recruiters that includes a submissions column.  Click on the submissions number to see a detailed list of candidates

The Source Quality Report

The best way to drill into search firm performance is to use the Source Quality Report.

  • The Source Quality Report is designed to provide a detailed picture of how different candidate sources are performing  
  • The report tells you how many candidates came into the system from your company website, job boards, social networks, search firms and more.  
  • Finally, the source quality report not only shows how many candidates came from each source but how far they progressed through the hiring process - the ultimate metric of how good the candidates are.  Each number on the source quality report is clickable to see the candidates from that source that reached the stage
  • The report also allows you to click into different sources and drill deeper to analyze how specific “sub-sources” perform

Because of how the source quality report works you can easily find out:

  • How many candidates a search firm submitted
  • How far they got through the process (how good they were)
  • Easily click into view detailed lists of candidates
  • Compare search firm performance side-by-side
  • Click in to see the performance of individual recruiters instead of the firm overall 

Learn more about managing search firms in the Search Firm Tutorial >>

Read more about Candidate Sources here >>
