How do I create offer templates?

Before you can generate an offer letter using JobScore, you'll need to set up an offer letter template.

Offer letter text & tokens

The first step to create an offer template is to write out the text of the offer letter document using a word processing program that can save files in the .docx format (like Microsoft Word).  Your offer letter will need to include tokens like {candidate_first_name}, which JobScore will detect and use to insert information to create the final version of your offer letter.  For example, JobScore will transform "Hello {candidate_first_name}," into "Hello Jane,"

As you write your letter, please reference the full list of offer fields in your account to find the tokens you need.  The list looks like this:


Copy and paste tokens into your letter where you want JobScore to insert information.  If an offer field you need isn't listed, you can add more by clicking the "Add Offer Field" link at the bottom of the table:

Add offer field

If you have questions, you can learn more about offer fields here >>

To make life a little easier, try starting with oursample offer letter and customizing it to make it your own:

Download the sample offer letter >>

A few tips when composing your offer letter:

  1. The following tokens must be present in all offer letters:
    • {candidate_signature}
    • {signature_date}
  2. The text color of the {candidate_signature} and {signature_date} tokens text must be the same color as the offer letter’s background. So if your offer letter’s background is white, make sure the {candidate_signature} and {signature_date} text is white too.  If this isn't 100% clear please follow the example in the sample offer letter above.
  3. If you copy and paste a token from JobScore into Microsoft Word, the font of the pasted token will not match your document's font and font color by default. Make sure to paste text without formatting to avoid problems.

Offer letter file limitations & restrictions:

DocuSign (reference)

  • Recommended file size: 5MB (Docusign's email notification feature will not work for anything over 5MB)
  • DocuSign only supports the following fonts: Arial, Arial Narrow, Calibri, Courier New, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, Lucida Console, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, Verdana, MS Gothic, and MS Mincho.

Adobe Sign (reference)

  • File size restrictions:
    • 5MB (free tier)
    • 10MB (Individual, Team, Business)
    • 10MB, adjustable (Enterprise)

Create your offer letter template

Once you've saved your offer letter .docx file, visit the Offer Templates page in the JobScore administrative console and click "Add Offer Template" to get started.

First you'll be asked to name your offer letter template.  As your organization grows it's likely you'll create many offer letter templates.  It's common to have different offer templates for full time jobs, part time jobs, and jobs in different locations.  Try to include this information in your offer template names so your team knows which is which... so you end up with template names like "Full Time Job, Atlanta" and "Part Time Job, Spain"

Next, upload your saved .docx file with the offer letter text and tokens you just created:

Add Offer Template

Click add and JobScore will make sure that everything is set up correctly in your file.  If it's not, you'll be shown an error that informs you of the changes you need to make to the .docx file to proceed:


If there are problems, please make changes to your original offer letter file (likely in Microsoft Word), save the file with a new name, and re-load the new .docx file into JobScore. Once all problems are resolved you'll see a preview of the offer form, which will include all of the tokens JobScore found in your offer letter file.  These fields are all required (so you don't have weird token text in the middle of offer letters you send to candidates).

If you want to capture more information about offers that won't be inserted in offer letters, you can add more offer fields at the bottom of the table:


Fields that aren't in your letter can be optional or required.  These additional offer fields make it easy to keep track of information about offers in JobScore, but not send it to the candidate.  A good example of something like this would be the amount of an external search firm fee.

Pro tip: If you often write in a sentence or two of custom text in each offer, consider adding a multi-line text question offer field.  This makes it easy to customize your letter without creating a new offer template every time.

You'll also see whether you've turned on the DocuSign or Adobe Sign e-signature integration.  If you haven't yet, give one a try - they make things a lot easier.


Once your offer form looks good, click add and you are good to go.

Using offer letter templates

Whenever you move a candidate into the offer candidate workflow stage you'll be prompted to select an offer template.

As your organization grows, consider assigning offer letter templates to the offer stage in jobs and job templates.  This way,when it's time to make an offer everyone knows which one to use. Learn more about workflow templates >>

Now that you've set up an offer template, learn to create and send offers here >>
