I am looking at building a simple website internally to do some candidate screening and I do not want to duplicate the candidate db. Indeed we have all of candidates on jobscore so I would like to be able to get candidate information from there directly.

Do you already have an API or any plan to publish one?



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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Arthur,

    We don't currently have a candidate API.

    We've been considering building one for a while, but wanted to have some folks we know would use it - and we were curious what they'd want to use it for. - i.e. we want to know there's going to be some folks using it before investing the engineering resources.

    More details on what you'd like to see / how you'd like it to work / what you'd do with the data would be great!

    Thanks and feel free to contact me anytime at dan@jobscore.com if you'd like to discuss.

    Hoping other folks chime in here on what they'd like to do with a candidate API.

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    James Adamczyk

    It would be great to create custom reports , for example:

    A report with active candidates with an audit trail of status changes with dates.  It would identify bottlenecks by people or process.

    Please give me some feedback as to, does this type of report exist / or if others have a similar request.




    Jim Adamczyk



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    Dan Arkind

    Interesting.  We recently started investing time building out a "reports" tab in JobScore and a "bottleneck" report is one that is on the roadmap.

    I think it makes sense that if we built an API, we should make it easy for you to use it to not only pull candidate data like name and phone number, but being able to pull sum information to build your own reports would be cool a well.

    If you have more specifics on what you'd be looking for in this bottleneck report, please elaborate here.  (for the API or the core UI) We were thinking it would be an aggregate report - i.e. saying how long it took to move candidates from one status to the next, or perhaps how long, on average, candidates stayed in a specific status before moving out of it?

    Thanks again for taking time to write in!

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    Jeremy Lizt

    I would much like API access to candidates as well. We have a few internal apps where it would be useful to execute a search on the candidate database and get back results containing matching names, email addresses, and links to the candidate page in JobScore.

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    Dan Arkind

    We have built an "internal" private read candidate API.  If you are interested in investing in an integration, please contact us at support@jobscore.com to discuss how we might get started.

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    Muhammad Nasrullah

    Even a simple RSS of candidate changes would be great. Can we please?

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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Muhammad,

    Can you be more specific about what you are looking for in "candidate changes" - we currently have a history report that shows most changes made in the system as a feed.  What are you trying to figure out / what information do you want to consume as a feed?

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    Muhammad Nasrullah

    I can see the reports but what would be nice is to have some programmatic way to access them. For example, an RSS feed for a Job which updates about candidates for that Job. That'd be sweet.

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    Dan Arkind

    Hmm, okay.  So this isn't necessarily about accessing information *about the candidate* it's more about accessing information about what's done to the candidate, right?  For instance, you'd want to know:

    1. If a new candidate was assigned to the job
    2. If a candidate's status was changed from X to Y (being any two statuses like new, manager review, declined, or all status changes?)
    3. If a note was added to the candidate
    4. If the note had ratings, and what the ratings were
    5. If a task was assigned to the candidate (an interview was scheduled)
    6. If an email was sent to the candidate
    7. etc

    There's a lot of stuff that JobScore does... right now if you want to know this information all changes made to a job can be found on the view job > history page and this page has filters in the web ui (and can be bookmarked)

    Please respond here if you want to drill in further in terms of exactly what you'd want to know in a feed.  I imagine you'd want to push this information into a reader app like feedly?


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