I would like to be able to add all of the custom job boards we currently have as a drop down source option when the candidates apply/we

upload candidates ourselves. We have over 50 custom boards we use and it would increase the likelihood that our candidate tracking data about where they're coming from is more accurate. 


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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Emily,

    Great news - I think we already have the feature you want!

    Right now when you click on Admin/Sources/Job Boards you can create your own custom job board sources for your account (it's the list on the right).  These options will show up when candidates apply and are also selectable inside the Employer-facing user interface.

    The best way to ensure you get accurate tracking data is to then create custom tracking links each time you post the job... these links will then pre-populate the source when candidate's apply.

    If you need help with this, please don't hesitate to email support@jobscore.com

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    Emily Rietz

    Hi Dan,

    We already do what you are suggesting with the custom tracking link, but when I manually enter a candidate or when they apply online (if they don't go directly from that link but come back later), the Custom Job Boards are not appearing as a source option. 

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    Dan Arkind

    Right, okay.

    The option is indeed not in the user interface on the Add Candidate page, but it is in the app.  

    Here's the workaround: Right now you need to complete adding the candidate and _then _click "edit" in the contact area and scroll down to the "source" area on the edit candidate screen -- select the job board primary source type and they you can choose from the full list of secondary boards will appear.

    Not showing "job board" on the add candidate page was something we discussed a bit internally.  A lot of candidates were getting mis-categorized (in particular candidates sourced from resume databases vs. from job postings) - and, ideally, you shouldn't have to manually add candidates that come in from job board postings very often, i.e. they are applying directly and categorizing themselves, so we removed it from the list.

    If you are having to do this very frequently or this is this workaround is insufficient, please give us some more detail on what's going on and we'll try to help out.

    Happy Hiring,

    • dan
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    Emily Rietz

    Hi Dan,

    We are now on a very large number of job boards and it's very helpful to see which ones we're seeing a lot of success with so as to not waste our time posting on all of them in the future. I would say it's a pretty important feature for our candidates to be able to have. 



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    Dan Arkind

    Sorry if I wasn't completely clear - your candidates DO have this option - the full list of job boards is shown in the candidate-facing job application process, and if you create custom tracking links and put them in your postings, the source will be pre-populated for them.

    • dan
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