Hi, could you please add Ebay, oodle, Vast, Yakaz, JustJobs.com, Universityjobs.com, careerbliss.com, topusajobs.com, careerjet.com, jooble.com, careervitals.com, aftercollege.com, glassdoor.com, jobs2careers.com, mynewjobsearch.com.


Thanks, Shawn

1 comment

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    Dan Arkind

    Thanks sean.

    We do support aftercollege!

    Have you gotten great results with any of these boards (i.e. they work) or are you just asking for them for completion?

    I'd be curious of anyone else in the community has gotten candidates from these boards.  BTW, we previously supported vast.com and oodle,com but turned them off due to poor performance (i.e. none)

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