I need to answer the question of "what are all the candidates that came through search firm XYZ". Currently I can filter by just "search firm" but not a specific search firm.


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    Dan Arkind

    Hey Vince:

    Two options:

    1. Just sort - i.e. build the list you want (using filters) and then click on the column header and sort the list... this will sort by both primary source (search firm) and secondary source (specific search firm name)

    2. If you need to do more sophisticated manipulation of lists, you might want to export this list (its on the upper right of the candidate manager) and then manipulate the data in an excel file.

    hope this helps,


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    Vince Mallet

    Hey Dan,


    Actually, the sort doesn't seem to work either: it doesn't seem to take the actual search firms into consideration when sorting.

    As you say, the goal is to work on the list after it's been filtered, i.e. sort by status, etc; so sorting isn't good enough. Exporting is an option, but I'd love to be able to do this straight into JobScore as opposed to having to mess with an external tool.


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    Dan Arkind

    Okay - that's a bug - which I'll escalate.

    BTW, you can see aggregate performance here:  https://www.jobscore.com/employer/reports?sub=view_source&job=Open&start_date=&end_date=&source_id=310&subsource=

    • dan
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    Vince Mallet

    Yep I use that report, it's a start. However, I don't know how the "Screening" and "Iviews" work -- the numbers I see don't seem to match what we've gone through. I tried to find if I could configure this report but didn't succeed. We don't use "Screening" as a status, so I was hoping to be able to tie the "Screening" number to our "Manager phone interview" status. Iviews doesn't seem to correlate with the actual number of people we have switched to the "Interviewing" status at one point or another.



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    Dan Arkind

    re: statuses - sorry, doesn't work that way with our flexible status model - we report on screening, interviewing and offer, at least for the forseeable future.  We recommend using those statuses - sorry we don't have a better anwser... happy to talk data migration if you'd like.

    Re: wrong numbers.  That's a bug.  If you can find a specific instance of where the data is inaccurate - i.e. take a screenshot of the sources report and then build another with differing results on the candidate manager, please report it to support@jobscore.com and we'll t-shoot it immediately - but we'll need you to be specific.

    • dan
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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Vince,

    We've made some updates to how search firms work and your ability to filter by them / drill down in the Source Report.  Feel free to ping support@jobscore.com if you'd like an update.

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