in recent activity pane, if we could see the first portion of the last note, it would cut down a lot of click time.

(ex:  I can tell if a schedule request went out, a reference was logged, a screening note was logged, etc.)

Quick view of last step taken without drill-down.


  • 0
    Dan Arkind

    Hi Val,

    Sorry but I'm not sure what page in JobScore you are referring to?

  • 0
    Val Fahs-Thatcher

    when you are looking at the overview page of the candidate.

    recent activity pain on the far right.


  • 0
    Dan Arkind

    sorry, but notes are in html and kind of long - this hack probably won't work.  we did add the ability for you to open up / see notes from the candidate action page - i.e. when you are adding a note, we make it easy to view other notes without leaving the page.

    I hear you here that it should be easier to do a "quick preview" of a note, but we aren't planning ot shoe-horn that in at this time.

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