I use Jobscore quite a bit. One frustration is that the scribd view

doesn't provide much value for me. I find the scrolling behavior is


Could the frame be removed, or could a direct link to the resume download

and cover letter download be provided in the candidate list?


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    Dan Arkind

    Hi Mark,

    Just to make sure I understand you correctly - you don't want jobscore to try to open and display the resume at all - what you want is an option to download the resume to your desktop and open it using a local program every time?

    • dan
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    Mark Schwarz


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    Mark Schwarz

    In addition, I've started getting the message "Document was encrypted. Legal restrictions prevent us from showing encrypted documents. Sorry, we can't display this document." about 50% of the time.  This makes the scribd view an unhelpful click each time it occurs..

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    Vivien Chan

    How about providing a batch download function enabling one to download cover letters and resumes by selecting multiple candidates

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