When there is an issue in Jobscore that affects the recruiting process in anyway it would helpful to be alerted to the problem. It came my attention this morning that I was missing email chains and documents in Jobscore that were sent by a candidate that I needed to use/print today for their F2F. I receive a lot of emails in a day and while I try to get through them all, that isn't always possible. This is why I use Jobscore to manage my candidate pipeline and that includes the communication of emails to determine next steps. When I email a request for available phone times, and the candidate emails me back I use Jobscores "refine filter" to work through my pipeline. From there I will look at their emails tab to see if they responded, and use their response to schedule next steps in the tasks tab.
It was only after I contacted customer service was I informed that there was an issue and that it was being fixed. It was with that knowledge I then realized that I had candidates respond with available times, but because their emails had not been synced into Jobscore, I missed them and their requested availability.
It be helpful to have users alerted when an issue like this has been identified. This will allow us to react and counter the issue accordingly until the fix has been made.