How do I assign a search firm to a job so they can submit candidates?

Important: You must have the Search Firm Inbox enterprise feature activated in your account to assign search firms to jobs and have them submit candidates.

When you add a search firm recruiter to JobScore it doesn't mean they can start submitting candidates.  First you'll need to assign recruiters to jobs so JobScore knows it's okay to process their resume submissions.  There are two ways to assign a search firm to a job:

Edit the list of Jobs assigned to the Search Firm in the admin console

Use this method if you want to set up one search firm submit candidates for multiple jobs.

  1. Click on “Admin” in the primary navigation and select Search Firms from the list
  2. Click on the name of the Search Firm you’d like to assign a job to
  3. Click “Edit” in the Job Assignments area
  4. Select the Job, the recruiter that will be working on the Job, and click save
  5. Don't forget to click the request candidates link to ask them to submit candidates >>

Edit the list of Search Firm Recruiters assigned to a job

Use this method if you want to set up multiple recruiters to submit candidates for one job.

  1. Start by clicking on Jobs in the primary navigation
  2. Scroll down to the Open Job that you would like to assign a search firm to and click on recruiters link in the activity column
  3. Click the edit link in the upper right of the search firms area on the page
  4. Click the Add Search Firm Assignment link at the bottom of the table, then select the Search Firm & Recruiter(s) that you want to submit candidates for the job
  5. Click “Update” and you’re done
  6. After you assign a search firm to a job make sure to click the request candidates link to ask them to submit candidates >>
